Wednesday, June 02, 2004

the busblog

i started the busblog around august of 2001.

since then ive written in there about 2.4 times a day.

people have bought me gifts from my amazon wishlist, one summer i asked for $1,000 so i could go to aruba with my mom and sister and in about a month i raised over $1,000.

people have bought links off my page, they have paid for my blogger pro account, they have sent me nice emails.

i recommend blogging to any serious writer.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


ive lived in california for twenty years now.

it feels like i just moved here last week.

calling california home is like calling a girl out of your league your girlfriend. it might be true, and you could say it over and over, but you never feel worthy.

ive had the great fortune of getting paid to drive around most of california.

people say san francisco is in "northern california". san francisco is closer to the middle of the state. northern california makes you believe in god. san francisco makes you believe in america. and yes, there is a difference.

of all the good things that ive done in my life, ive done most of them in california.

but when i die i want to be buried near wrigley field in chicago.

not on the cliffs of isla vista, or in a tomb in westwood.

so dont fuck it up.

grew up

i grew up in hanover park illinois. its 45 minutes north west of chicago. but it felt like 200 miles away.

i dont know why.

i had a great childhood.

so good that i try to live that way each day.

free, happy, and free.

tony was born

i was born in washington dc.

people say that no one was ever born in washington dc but now you know at least one person was.

my sister was born there too a year later.

so thats two, fuckers.